Discover the many ways you can help out in the Little Belt Mountains!

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Donations and Merchandise 
Since 2009 Into the Little Belts has been 100% self-funded and we have considered it no more than a glorified "hobby page". Over the years, and primarily in the last 3 years, we have seen a large increase of traffic and interest to our project. We always love receiving phone calls, emails and messages  and we enjoy placing live webcams around the Little Belts, and we absolutely love taking photos and videos and getting to share them with everyone. With that said, this interest is becoming too great for us to handle on our own budget.

We are asking all of you to support us anyway you can and we have created 2 amazing options; a Patreon page where you can pledge your donation and our online store where you can purchase original art pieces and memoribilia about the area called Little Belt Montana.

Our Patreon Page

Little Belt Montana

Content Creation

Using our website, we would like to create an all encompassing data base of everything pertinant to the Little Belt Mountains and the surrounding area. If you have any sort of content that applies to the area we would love to publish on our page or social media pages. We are looking for history, current events, desitnations, recreational opportunities, business listings, photography, videos and anything else you can think of that would be useful to anyone visiting this website. To submit your content, simply write to us with an explaination and accompanying files and we will give you publishing credit on our website! We truly appreciate your help! 
Email us at: [email protected]