A great stop food, drinks and a place to stay on the eastern foothills of the Little Belts in Checkerboard, Montana on Highway 89 in Meagher County.


Checkerboard Inn and Bar

Dining on the Foothills

Located on the eastern foothills of the Little Belt Mountains and tucked between the Castles, is the Checkerboard Bar and Inn. Here you will find a cozy place to stop and get a bite to eat, drinks and lodging. Great views and good service makes the Checkerboard Bar and Inn a great place to stop for everyone!

At a Glance

Address 20 Forest Rd., Martinsdale, MT 59053

Phone (406) 572-3373

Facebook Checkerboard Bar and Inn

Other Lodging Near Checkerboard, Montana

Crazy Mountain Inn - 16 miles east in Martinsdale, Montana

White Sulphur Springs - 21 miles west on Highway 12

Harlowton - 37 miles east on Highway 12
